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«  სექტემბერი 2012  »


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მოგწონთ ჩვენი დიზაინი?
1. აიი ძაან მაგარია!
2. არ მომწონს :(
3. საახალწლოდ ესეთი არავის უყენია!
4. ისე რა!
5. არაუშავს!
Total of answers: 12

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NewLand Princess (1)

კომენტარები: 20 ნანახია: 837
NewLand Awards ♥

კომენტარები: 16 ნანახია: 861

კომენტარები: 15 ნანახია: 818

კომენტარები: 11 ნანახია: 911

კომენტარები: 10 ნანახია: 806
თხოვნები საიტზე!

კომენტარები: 10 ნანახია: 890
ყველა სრულიადში :)))

კომენტარები: 9 ნანახია: 715
NewLand <3

კომენტარები: 9 ნანახია: 702
can selena sing ?

კომენტარები: 8 ნანახია: 695

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მთავარი » 2012 » სექტემბერი » 11 » chibird
5:59 PM


Animated this Dr. Seuss quote in dedication to my friend. We had the best three years of high school together, and it breaks my heart to see her have to leave (long story short, a school in a different county). I feel like ever since my senior year started, I&#8217;ve been struggling, just psychologically (which is crazy, because school isn&#8217;t even that hard yet). Thank you all, I hope you can understand that I haven&#8217;t been able to even touch my ask/inbox since I took my 2 week break.

There&#8217;s no use in thinking sad thoughts or worrying too much~ ^u^

Imagine what you would do without the internet. I&#8217;d probably get more work done, but I&#8217;d still find some way to procrastinate- it just wouldn&#8217;t be as fun. XP

Happy September! I hope it&#8217;s a good month for everyone.
photos- 1 2 3 4 5

It&#8217;s been a long week for me, but here&#8217;s a drawing for you all. ^^ Now to finish reading a book for english tomorrow&#8230; 

The world could always use a little more love, right?  

My final year of high school starts tomorrow! Eek! Good luck to everyone else going back to school. &gt;u&lt; 

I&#8217;m back! Thank you for putting up with my queue for two weeks. ;u; You guys are the best- I hope the month of august has been going well for you all.

It&#8217;s not a very good wish seeing as how I got over two months to relax, but I&#8217;m just not ready to go back to school. T___T I could still use another week of vacation&#8230; 

We saw a lot of sloths hanging around in trees in Costa Rica last summer. &gt;u&lt; 

Oh Goldfish&#8230; they look so happy even when I&#8217;m about to nom them all up. ;&gt; 

Sometimes good, sometimes bad. 

Not unless they try really hard, because cookies are delicious. 

Not that pebbles aren&#8217;t great, but know that even the best have their flaws. ^^
photos- 1 2 3 

&#8220;Why&#8221; is perhaps the most important one&#8230; 

It&#8217;s the worst when you have a ton of work to do, but you&#8217;re just so tired and doing anything is hard ;A; 

I feel like it&#8217;s just human nature to think and over-think things. &gt;^&lt; 

Not in skittles, but in fruits and vegetables! :D 

If you&#8217;re feeling down, learn to love the rain and look forward to the rainbow. &gt;w&lt; 

I wish I had a helium pump so I could fill up balloons all the time, because I just really love balloons. &gt;u&lt; 

The sad truth of my summer&#8230; I think it&#8217;s still probably been one of my more productive summers, which just goes to show how lazy they usually are. 8D;; 

Yay for smileys~ XD As always, I tend to use a lot. 

It&#8217;s crazy how amazingly athletic these people are. @v@ 

It&#8217;s not often that we&#8217;re just happy to be alive. ^^ Author unknown.

I&#8217;m not complaining about mother nature, but some buildings should save some energy (and money) and turn the temperature up a notch. ;v; I&#8217;m freezing in the middle of the summer&#8230; 

:D It makes me happy when other people are happy.
lovely patterns- a, b, c, d, e 

Though you can buy things that makes you happy, there&#8217;s just no wrapped and package happiness for sale. 

If you&#8217;ve never played the game, you just pick your preference and then ask another this or that question for the next person. It&#8217;s probably too hard to play on tumblr, but here are some of the most contested questions if you&#8217;d like to answer them. ^u^  

I actually have issues drawing scribbles because I always want them to be nice-looking scribbles. &gt;__&lt;;;

Let&#8217;s just go to the park and paddleboat alongside baby ducks. &gt; w &lt;

I really like how silly and fun One Direction is, and here&#8217;s to their two-year anniversary. Even if they&#8217;re not your thing, please let me slip by your judgement and allow me this one fanart. 

Okay, so maybe there won&#8217;t literally be sharks waiting for you when school starts, but I have college applications to look forward to and they&#8217;re pretty bad. ;^; 

Even the warm-climate penguins think you&#8217;re pretty cool, so it must be true. 8D 

Sometimes you&#8217;re really reminded how precious life is&#8230; like with the Colorado movie theater shooting today. 

Maybe. I&#8217;m not entirely sure, but this one sentence holds so much emotion. 

Mine&#8217;s already half-way through, but there&#8217;s still plenty of time to have fun and accomplish a lot of things you won&#8217;t have time for during the school year. ^^ 

You are amazing and wonderful just the way you are, faults and imperfections and all. &lt;3 

Instead of dragging myself out of bed in response to my alarm, I get to open my eyes to the sunshine and happiness of a summer day. ;u; 

Don&#8217;t see things as always being black and white- there&#8217;s a lot more to it than that. ^w^ 

It&#8217;s because when you talk, the sound not only goes through the air, but also through your head which enhances the deeper sounds (x). Was recording myself saying a Chinese dialogue for my class, and I&#8217;m always surprised when I hear how strange my voice sounds. 

My little twist on the popular saying. &gt;w&lt; 

I think I would feel pretty bad plucking flower petals off. &gt;^&lt;;; I wonder if anyone counts the petals and figures out which one they&#8217;ll land on beforehand. xD 

I can always count on my friends to support me when I feel broken. I don&#8217;t know what will happen when we part ways after high school. u__u

It&#8217;s almost been a month since school ended and I can hardly believe it. @__@ Time sure does fly. 

I thought it was a fitting line for the 4th of July (independence day and fireworks in the US)~ 

The heat and humidity were awful this weekend without electricity for A/C or a fan, so thank goodness for the coolness (and fireflies) of the night. &gt;v&lt; Fourth day without power~ 

A little doodle after hours of Chinese homework&#8230; hopefully my hard work will pay off. 

You might even hit a planet out there in space. 8D 

If only I could make everyone happy with just a click! 

Well, I guess it all depends on what you think is a waste of time, but I try not to feel guilty about spending my time doing something I like (ex: reading a book all morning). ^^Had trouble finding the source of this quote, but apparently it&#8217;s not Lennon or Russell. 

That would actually be very terrifying. 8D;; 

in order: drumstick, orange creamsicle, snow cone, chocolate covered ice cream bar, firecracker, fruit popsicle. &gt;u&lt; Yum, ice cream. 

I think I&#8217;m a bit nutty right now for making this, but enjoy nonetheless. &gt;o&lt; 

Happy father&#8217;s day~ My dad and I took a walk down to the park this morning, and it was so cool and pleasant. c: Doodle of Nemo and Marlin, must have watched that movie half a dozen times. 

A really cute idea suggested a while ago by fruchtemonster~! &gt;u&lt; 

You only have one body, and an important part of taking care of it is loving it. If you already love it, great! But a lot of girls (and guys) have body image problems as a result of misleading media standards. I&#8217;m just a teenage girl, and I&#8217;ve definitely had issues with my body image and self esteem. I just want you all to feel good about yourselves and never be ashamed of your body because it&#8217;s beautiful. /endI know that might seem&#8230; sappy or preachy, but also know that I really just want to send a good message. That&#8217;s all. ^__^; &lt;3 

Sometimes people are sad that they don&#8217;t have &#8216;this&#8217; or &#8216;that&#8217; trait/talent that someone else has, but so what? Don&#8217;t be jealous or insecure about what you don&#8217;t have, embrace what you do have because that&#8217;s what makes you awesome. ^w^ 

Take the time to read the quote and take in everything it&#8217;s saying. If it doesn&#8217;t speak to you all that&#8217;s fine, but I thought it was kind of meaningful. ^^ 

My sister gave me this quote with a little picture (it&#8217;s on my wall along with a lot of other little pictures), and now I&#8217;m sharing it with you all because it makes me happy. I have been making a whole lot of animations lately and less of still pictures for some reason. -w- 

My sister exercises on the stationary bike every day after her internship because it&#8217;s relaxing for her. ^^ I definitely think being active can be loads of fun, and after three end of the school year parties, I think I&#8217;m loads happier (though my legs are a bit sore). :D 

It rained a little, and this is in honor of seeing my first double rainbow! Also, I might have lost all my sanity some point this week because of finals/the end of school, but hopefully I&#8217;ll be back to posting drawings regularly next week. 

Just letting it all out. Finals are pretty bad. 

D&#8217;awww come here~ -hugs- It&#8217;s my final week of school! ^u^ 

We were taking pictures for our state&#8217;s team, and my smile started twitching after holding it for so long. XD;; And then we took some outside directly facing the sun&#8230; I&#8217;m hoping I don&#8217;t look awkward in all of them, but let&#8217;s be honest I probably do~ 

Oh summer~ A minimal, sunny animation for you all. 

I just keep telling myself to stop being a lazy bum and get some work done. It&#8217;s not very effective&#8230;

The present may look dim, but the future is bright~ Keep going! -waves pom poms- &gt; u &lt;

I should probably learn how to drive soon. @u @;;

There&#8217;s no need to worry about me so much, but I wish others could find happiness as easily as I do.
I have been frustrated at some comments on my cbox though (deleted, because they were inappropriate). Some people have no decency- if you&#8217;re going to troll or flame do it on your own tumblr, not mine. I get some really sweet notes from my message board, and I don&#8217;t want to take it down because of some sad or jealous strangers passing by. Just needed to let that all out, don&#8217;t mind me~

Bright bunnies on a Friday night. 8D

The seniors graduated today. My junior year is coming to a close. ;3;

I remember freshman year, I stayed up until TEN finishing my research paper and thought it was so late. Oh my, those were the days.

I was too tired to finish this the day I started drawing it. XD;; National&#8217;s this weekend was really amazing and fun, and I&#8217;m so happy that my team and I got to experience it. Back for 3 more weeks of school before summer vacation~

Two weeks of torture over! :D Thanks for sticking with me through it all you guys. &lt;3

Not feeling too snazzy today. My last AP is tomorrow, and then I&#8217;m going to national&#8217;s for four days (don&#8217;t miss me!). Textures by gimei.

Always find a way to tell her you love her. You can see the card I made for my mom here (also posted on facebook and twitter). ^u^

When I saw this quote, I immediately thought of tumblr. xD;; So we don&#8217;t all bump into each other and become friends, but there&#8217;s something cool about knowing that there&#8217;s people out there who are going through the same things you are and who like the same things you like.

Ahaha, there were quite a few multiple choice questions that I had never heard of before on my exam today, so I just guessed random answers (there&#8217;s no penalty). @u@;; Thanks to all of you who&#8217;ve wished me good luck on my tests and put up with my lack of quality posts. &lt;3 I only have two more to go next week~ 

I don&#8217;t mean for this to be so sad, but sometimes animating is just really relaxing for me. ^^; Half my AP tests down, half to go. &gt;:D 

Fruit is cute. &gt;u&lt;

If it&#8217;s not clear, the size of the circles represents the quantity/number of things. It&#8217;s not like a venn diagram thing because I thought it&#8217;d be too messy (but if it doesn&#8217;t make sense this way, my apologies D:). Chemistry AP tomorrow (sorry if I keep posting about my exams, but they&#8217;re basically my life right now)&#8230; I&#8217;m exaggerating a little bit.

The price is usually the dealbreaker for me. xD; I&#8217;m happy it&#8217;s the weekend, but I&#8217;m also kind of scared (4 AP exams next week).

It&#8217;s been really tough for me these past few weeks, so I haven&#8217;t smiled too much. Started playing this little game with my friends though, and it&#8217;s brought back some smiles this week. ^___^

A simple animation, hope it&#8217;s not too late for some of you guys! Sunday night&#8230; time to finish my homework.
edit 5/6- tomorrow is spelled with two r&#8217;s and one m. it&#8217;s not like I momentarily forgot when I made this&#8230; fixed now. &gt;o&lt; 

Chemistry tests, so many feelings. ;A; More likely than not, these emotions are mostly just mine because I care too much, so if this does not apply forgive me for today. &gt;___&lt;;; 

&gt;3&lt; I haven&#8217;t done this in a while. I like how the picture turned out~ 

Gave myself time to make this animation and watch television today because I don&#8217;t have school tomorrow. c; 

You might have noticed a decrease in posts as I&#8217;m currently in the process of barrel rolling through the rest of the school year. @3@;; I&#8217;m doing my absolute best&#8230; but May might be even tougher. 

In retrospect, I really don&#8217;t know what I was going for when I made this, but I think it&#8217;s supposed to be like a poster. ;3; Anyways, my earth day was ridiculously productive. I made an entire schedule to finish my schoolwork and I actually followed it. (~&#8217; v &#8216;)~ 

Little kid dreams are always the best. 

If only I could stop standing around and start flying. Anyways, this morning was absolutely beautiful. I woke up naturally, the sun was shining, birds were chirping, and I actually felt rested. ;u; &lt;3 Life&#8217;s little wonders. 

Everything is just piling on&#8230; AP tests, then national&#8217;s, then SAT II&#8217;s, and lastly finals. -whine whine whine- ;A; It&#8217;s alright, I&#8217;ll manage somehow! 

I make a lot of procrastination drawings. They&#8217;re more interesting than work&#8230; T _ T 
Bunnies are nice. &gt;u&lt; I dunno, sometimes I&#8217;m drawn to making very curious little animations. 

კატეგორია: ფოტო ART ♥ | ნანახია: 2341 | დაამატა: ♡aannniii-DirecTioneR♡
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